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Mr. Subbaraya Sarma ( Very Spry at 75 yrs !! )

18 Mar 2023
Mr. Subbaraya Sarma ( Very Spry at 75 yrs!! ) unfortunately had a fall from his bike following a RTA. He was transferred from neighbouring state for further management. Relevent Investigations were done and was diagnosed to have an Unstable T11 fracture with background of DISH ( Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis).

He underwent Orthopaedic Spine Surgery T9 - L1 Stabilisation and Fusion. He subsequently was mobilised with support. His calm and smiling nature touched everyone's heart and his determination to get back to normalcy was astonishing.

He is up and about on his feet and has been discharged. KL Spine Surgeon and team wish him the Best of Health and Happiness.








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