Exercises for core strengthening

Dr. Kiran Kumar Lingutla

Hold the spine in the pain free neutral position. Count to 10 and relax. Abduct the hands to under the head. Brace the abdominal muscles to a count of 10 and relax. Repeat x 3.
Alternatively flex and extend the fully straight arms, maintaining the neutral position. Count to 10. Relax. Repeat x 3.
Tighten trunk muscles in neutral position. Bend one hip and knee to 90 degrees. Hold to 10. Repeat with other leg x 10. Repeat x 3.
Combine above 2 manoeuvres with alternate arm extensions and hip flexion. Left arm – right leg, then right arm – left leg. Maintain tight neutral position. Repeat x 3.
Shoulder flexion with alternate lower extremity extension. Count to 10. Repeat x 3.
Repeat with alternate leg extension without putting a leg onto the ground. Repeat x 3. Maintain neutral position.
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